Kanna (Magician - Shrine Maiden class who also can summon foxes,currently unavailable in KMS ).Hayato (Warror - Samurai class who uses two handed swords, currently unavailable in KMS).Angelic Burster (Pirate - uses a cannon/gun hybrid weapon and a soul system).Kaiser (Warrior - Aran, uses a two handed sword, Dragon's Soul, a combo system and can transform into a dragon).Shade (Pirate - Uses mainly knuckles as primary weapon and Fox Marbles as second weapon, The only character who could go through the Middle Door at the Temple of Time, also known as EunWol).Luminous (Magician, uses a shining rod, orb, unique attack system that is different in KMS then some others).Evan (Magician - unlike anything, uses a dragon).Aran (Warrior - uses Polearm, exclusive combo system).Xenon (Thief/Pirate hybrid - uses Energy Sword, uses STR + DEX + LUK, bonus Surplus Supply system).Demon Avengers uses a special sword and HP consuming moves.) Demon Slayers use HP and DP for attacks, and use 1 handed axes and maces.

Demon (Warrior - comes in 2 paths: Demon Slayer and Demon Avenger.Mechanic (Pirate - Gunslinger technically, very unlike Pirates, unique, mounted).Wild Hunter (Archer - Crossbowman, but mounted).Battle Mage (Magician - unlike anything, uses Staff).Mikhail/Milhile (Dawn Warrior, KMS and GMS).Blaze Wizard (Magician - almost Fire/Poison, without Poison).Dual Blade (Thief - Bandit that wields Katara as well as dagger).Cannoneer(Pirate,must pick from character select screen).Spearman/Berserker/Dark Knight (Warrior).The following is a complete list of each possible class: